I would like to preface this article with the fact that women overthink everything. Studies like the Amen Clinic’s in California prove that women’s brains are significantly more active than men’s, often leading to more anxiety disorders. So, yes, women could be blunt and say “take me out on a date” but let’s be honest, that rarely happens. Instead they drop hints that they think are obvious, but many men are somehow oblivious to.



Let’s start with the basics. If a girl mentions that she’s single/doesn’t have a boyfriend, she 100% likes you. It did not just casually come up in conversation, she wanted you to know. Please go ask her out now.



When you’re talking, she gives you her full attention. Could it be any more obvious? If she’s looking around when you talk, she wants to be rescued. Checking her phone? Unless you heard it go off, she’s definitely just typing “kill me now blah blah blah” to look busy/away from you and that awkward eye contact. A girl who likes you will always pay attention when you talk.



If a girl you like ever mentions another guy in front of you, I’m sorry, but you have been forever friendzoned. This is the easiest way for them to imply they don’t like you without saying “it’s never gonna happen, dude”. Examples include:
1. Mentioning a date she has/had.
2. Telling you the guy across the room is attractive.
3. And, worst of all, saying anything complimentary about your friend Chad.
If she likes you, she would NEVER mention another guy in front of you, because she wants you to know that door is wide open with no one standing in the way.



If she mentions something like a movie she wants to see or a cool new restaurant she wants to try, she wants to go there WITH YOU. In a group, this probably doesn’t apply, but if you’re texting or one-on-one, she wants you to take her there.



Once you’re on a date with this girl, how do you know if it’s going well or if she wants to come home with you? She touches you. It doesn’t matter where; your shoulder, leg, arm, etc. she likes you. If a girl doesn’t like a guy, she would rather die a painful death than have to touch him.


Tip: Even outside of dating, you can tell if someone wants to be talking to you by looking at their feet. If they’re pointed towards you, they’re into the conversation. If not, they’re pointed away because they are subconsciously trying to leave.



She’s laughing at your lame jokes. You’re probably not as hilarious as you think, but that won’t stop her. If it’s cute giggling, she’s most definitely faking it. Good news: she likes you. Bad news: your jokes aren’t funny.



Messing with her hair can be subconscious or deliberate. Hair twirling is often done subconsciously, while running her hands through her hair is more deliberate. Either way, she’s trying to show off her sexy hair and you guessed it, she likes you.



Hopefully this list was obvious to you. If not, please pay close attention to the signs a woman is giving you. You could be missing out on girls that like you, or worse, pursuing ones that clearly don’t.

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