I need to know what some of this means! I am not even 30 and some of this shit is blowing over my head. And what is the deal with the “Two BJ’s”? How did she settle on two? Were three too many and one really not enough??


This girls list is filled with everything from drugs to sexual stuff and even the wild and crazy shit like decorate her room!


The story begins when a girl was cleaning up the dressing room when she stumbled across this “Summer Bucket List.”


You call it a bucket list, I call it a fuck it list.


Rather than just throwing the list away, the girl decided to share it on Twitter and of course it went viral.


Just imagine how sad this girl must have been when she left the mall without her list! Lucky for her, there is a copy online.


As you can see above, there’s a reason it went viral. The girl has some lofty goals that are sexual, fun, and downright hilarious.


14,355 Retweets 54,132 Likes


Some highlights include:


“have sex”

“hook up with Jacob (again)”

“get crossfaded 17 times”

“pet a giraffe”

“get a boob hickey”

“go to flagstaff drunk”

“super wild birthday”

“tie a message to a balloon and let it go”


After the internet got ahold of it there were some great reactions.



The original posters doesn’t seem like she was ready for the fame! Don’t worry it should all blow over quickly.



Check out some of the reactions:


This is going to be a long list if this is what we started with. Luckily someone filled her in on that.
























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