You know the saying “the rich get richer” that doesn’t always work if you are gambling big bucks like playboy Dan Bilzerian.
When you’ve made over $150 million fortune from gambling there’s a fair chance that you’ve made a few bizarre bets in your time. playboy Dan Bilzerian is no exception.
The self-proclaimed King of Instagram, Dan Bilzerian, built up his reputation through being a cocky poker player.
According to ladbible: He might not be where he is today without amassing a huge fortune from his gambling – which has allowed him to buy private jets and fly all over the world with a seemingly endless supply of gorgeous women.
His younger brother taught him how to play cards when he was 22-years-old and in the 14 years since, he’s placed some incredible wagers, with ones paying serious dividends, and others leaving him frustrated.
But he’s told In Depth with Graham Bensinger about the time he bet $6 million on the flip of a coin.
Dan Bilzerian shares stories of wild bets, including losing $6 million on a coin flip and betting against a rower crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Plus, Bilzerian discreetly talks of betting against a current NBA star who lost $12 million over the course of a poker bender.
According to the 36-year-old, he literally made a heads or tails bet that was worth more than some people would ever make in their entire working lives. Some might scream at the idea of losing that much money, that quickly, however Dan’s reaction was ‘whatever’ and he continued about his life.
While that experience barely seemed to register with Bilzerian, he did reveal the time which got his blood pumping. Dan says the most amount of money he’s ever won playing poker was $12.8 million (£9.4 million), which was made over the course of three games.
He told Graham: “I’ll never forget it because I was sitting there… with like over 18 million, because I had bought in for some money and I was up the 12, but I had, you know, other money that I had bought in.
“I think I actually lost initially, so then I rebought. I just remember distinctly having $18 million in front of me and we’re playing No Limit Hold ‘Em, and we’re playing heads up and the blinds where $10,000, $25,000, so it’s a real big game.
“And at any given point, this guy, you know he’s a maniac, he’s a billionaire.
“So, at any point, if he goes all in, I have to make a decision for $18 million, so that, to me, was like probably one of the most stressful periods of time. I think I had a little bit of hair fall out.”

He added that it was a rough journey to become the playboy multimillionaire that he is today. After his brother taught him how to play, he would use virtually all of his Veteran’s Affairs and grant money on gambling every week.
He was broke in his sophomore year after getting into online gambling as well as being too confident in other games, where he’d try to bluff his way into winning every hand. But he turned his financial situation around when he told three of his guns, and used the cash to play on a poker table on a boat in international waters.
His bank account went from three digits, to five, and then exploded when he got to Las Vegas.
The rest, as they say, is history.